Promo Mechanics:
1. This raffle promo is open to all active members of Japan Remit Finance (JRF) Philippines utilizing the Cash Pickup services through M Lhuillier branches who are eligible to join the “JRF PASKONALO YEAR 6 - Pina-Cash Saya”.
2. Promo will run from October 1, 2023 – January 31, 2024. Customers who sent a remittance will automatically gain one (1) electronic raffle entry.
3. There will be Twenty (20) lucky ML receivers who will win P3, 000 cash each.
4. Raffle winners are highly encouraged to post a testimonial together with their receiver’s photo upon receiving their prizes and it will be shared on our social media accounts.
5. Draw Dates and prizes are as follows:
October Draw: Five (5) winners of P3,000 cash prize each
November Draw: Five (5) winners of P3,000 cash prize each
December Draw: Five(5) winners of P3,000 cash prize each
January Draw: Five(5) winners of P3,000 cash prize each
TOTAL CASH PRIZES: Php 60,000.00
6. All qualified entries during the promo duration will be drawn on the following dates at JRF Offices.
7. All qualified clients can only win once every raffle draws date.
8. All clients must update their personal information (e.g., name, address, active mobile/telephone no. and birthday) as this will be the basis of the JRF staff in sending notifications to the winners.
9. Winners will be notified through registered mail or call. For processing of the prize, the winner must go to an ML branch and present: the registered mail, the winning transaction receipt, a valid government-issued ID, and ML Wallet account number. These documents will be subject to verification by the ML Branch Manager.
10. Once verified, cash prizes will be claimed via ML Wallet Application.
11. Announcements of winners will be shared through all social media pages of Japan Remit Finance Co. Ltd.
12. Japan Remit Finance shall not be liable if the winners did not receive the instructions to claim the prizes due to outdated personal information.
13. All winners will only have sixty (60) calendar days to redeem their prize upon the announcement of winners. All unclaimed prizes will be forfeited in favor of M Lhuillier.
14. All employees and agents of M Lhuillier Financial Services and Japan Remit Finance Co. Ltd. and their relatives up to second degree of consanguinity or affinity are disqualified from joining this promo.
15. Acceptance of the prize will be deemed as consent by the winner to use his/her name and/or photographs in any publicity connected with the promotion without additional charge or permission.